Synopsis 特殊身份 (2013)

1. 特殊身份_百度百科

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  • 《特殊身份》是由司徒锦源编剧,霍耀良执导,甄子丹、景甜、张涵予、安志杰、邹兆龙等人主演的动作犯罪电影。该片于2013年10月18日在中国内地上映。该片讲述了卧底警察陈子龙在卧底期间发生的一系列故事。该片上映首日票房2100万,首周票房破亿,刷新时装动作片票房纪录。2014年,甄子丹凭借特殊身份提名第33届香港电影金像奖最佳动作设计奖。

2. SPECIAL ID (特殊身份) (2013) -

  • 18 okt 2013 · Synopsis: Zi Long (Donnie Yen) has been an infiltrating cop in Xiong's (Collin Chou) Hong Kong mafia clan for many years. The failure of his ...

  • Genre: Action/Crime Director: Clarence Fok Cast: Donnie Yen, Collin Chou, Andy On, Tian Jing, Zhang Hanyu, Ronald Cheng RunTime: 1 hr 39 mins Rating: NC16 (Violence and Coarse Language) Released By: Shaw Official Website:  Opening Day: 18 October 2013  Synopsis: Zi Long (Donnie Yen) has been an infiltrating cop in Xiong’s (Collin Chou) Hong Kong mafia clan for many years. The failure of his recent negotiation on behalf of Xiong with the other three local clans makes Xiong suspicious of Zi Long’s identity.   Xiong sets to wipe out every undercover in his gang. Sensing the danger, Zi Long requests an end to his undercover career from his supervisor Sir Zhang (Ronald Cheng).   However, Zhang sends Zi Long to Mainland China to infiltrate a business of “Special Identity” trading instead. The business is run by Xiong’s best protégé Sunny (Andy On) who was Zi Long’s previous buddy in the gang. Zhang promises to reinstate Zi Long’s Police identity in conclusion of the mission once Sunny’s business is broken down. Zi Long agrees, joining local Police Officer Lei Peng (Zhigang Yang) and Fang Jing (Jing Tian) in the force. Movie Review: The six years since ‘Ip Man’, Donnie Yen has not looked back on the kind of contemporary action that fuelled his latest career resurgence, preferring instead historical epics like ‘Bodyguards and Assassins’, ‘Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen’ and ‘Wu Xia’. No wonder then fans of ‘S.P.L.’ and ‘Flash Point’ have been...

3. 特殊身份- 电影- 豆瓣

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  • 身怀绝技、出手不凡的陈子龙(甄子丹 饰)是潜伏黑道多年的卧底,作为老大长毛雄(邹兆龙 饰)的左膀右臂,他的身心承受巨大压力,加上老大已对他升起疑心,威胁子龙妈妈的性命(鲍起静 饰),他急切希望复职,退...

4. 特殊身份 - WMOOV 香港電影

5. Special ID 特殊身份 - Movie - Ram Entertainment

  • 18 okt 2013 · Chen an undercover police officer in one of China's most ruthless underworld gangs. The gang leader, Xiong has made it his priority to weed out the government ...

  • Tien Xiao-Xiang is a fan of author Si-Yi and Tarot cards. But deep down, she has another love, childhood sweetheart Li Zhu-Hao. Just when she sees the perfect opportunity to reveal her love to him from fortunetelling, Li Zhu-Hao confesses his feelings to her best friend Song Yi-Jing! But Song Yi-Jing has a condition for Li Zhu-Hao, that is to help three couples to date. They are: aloof and misandric art professor Stone and lovesick gym owner Liu Zhi-Liang; the most unpopular weirdo in school, Ah-Yu, and the subject of her nonstop public displays of love, campus hunk Danny Lo; mob boss lady Yu and  philosophy student Ah-Shan. To make it happen for these three unlikely couples is almost like mission impossible. To everyone’s surprise, Li Zhu-Hao, a chump, agrees to take on the challenge. But he has no idea how to accomplish it and turns to his best friend Tien Xiao-Xiang for help. Even with her heart broken over her first love, Tien Xiao-Xiang can’t bear to see him suffer. Therefore she tries to help him reluctantly with mixed feelings, but will this first love in her heart go where she hopes for to a perfect ending?

6. Special ID (特殊身份) (2013) -

  • This is the story of a rough undercover cop who's also an incredibly nice guy. He'll flirt dangerously with Fang Jing by rear-ending her car, but will ...

  • Has it really been six years since Donnie Yen starred in a modern cop actioner like Flash Point? That question was rhetorical, since you likely know that Yen spent his post-Flash Point years earning bank with costume films like Painted Skin while upping his prestige cred with the Ip Man films and branching out with wacky fluff like the All’s Well, Ends Well movies. The years and mileage haven’t stymied Yen’s action abilities, but in that time, it seems that he’s also developed – strangely enough – a sense of humor. Special ID has the action and exaggerated badass cool that one expects from DONNNNIEEE but it also possesses hilarious if not always intentional goofiness thanks to a knowingly generic script, entertaining overacting and super-happy sentiments that border on nauseating. Maybe you’re here for another SPL, but Donnie Yen isn’t down with that. He delivers the obligatory and genuinely entertaining action, but the rest seems to come straight from actor-producer Yen’s heart. For better or worse.

7. 特殊身份(2013) - 豆瓣电影

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  • 身怀绝技、出手不凡的陈子龙(甄子丹 饰)是潜伏黑道多年的卧底,作为老大长毛雄(邹兆龙 饰)的左膀右臂,他的身心承受巨大压力,加上老大已对他升起疑心,威胁子龙妈妈的性命(鲍起静 饰),他急切希望复职,退...

8. 《特殊身份》动作特辑罗礼贤助推票房破亿(2013) - iQIYI

  • Watch the latest 《特殊身份》动作特辑罗礼贤助推票房破亿online with English subtitle for free on iQIYI | 飞车指导罗礼贤,主演甄子丹、景甜、张涵予、杨 ...

  • 飞车指导罗礼贤,主演甄子丹、景甜、张涵予、杨坤、亓达吉等现身发布会现场。本片将是甄子丹与赵文卓两位功夫明星的首次交锋,甄子丹表示两人会有很灿烂的武打场面。 【幕后花絮】   制片方此前为这部年度动作大片准备了多个名字,但直到发布会前不久才最终确定片名为《特殊身份》,对此片方表示,是因为这个名字最符合影片的神秘气质。为了能够呈现出最佳的视听效果,《特殊身份》邀请到了曾拍摄过多部经典动作戏的香港知名导演霍耀良、奥斯卡金像奖摄影指导鲍德熹、素有“车神”之称的著名飞车指导罗礼贤参与该片制作。   作为一部动作电影,大场面动作戏、火爆飞车戏、震撼的爆破戏,自然是必不可少的元素。奥斯卡金牌摄影鲍德熹坦言,希望能把自己多年来积累的摄影经验应用到《特殊身份》中,让影片呈现出更加炫丽的视觉效果,而他对影片的期望则是“帅、酷、现代、灿烂”。而导演霍耀良则力求在全片的编排上力求创新和突破,此外,飞车指导罗礼贤也将为影片注入最为精彩、震撼、惊险的飞车特技镜头。   甄子丹“三重身份” 赵文卓带伤上阵   片方虽然

9. 电影特殊身份剧情介绍 - 百度文库

  • 电影特殊身份剧情介绍-剧情吧注:电影《特殊身份》是霍耀良拍摄的首部现代题材的时尚动作大片,主演甄子丹、景甜等。影片将于2013年10月18日上映,片中不仅有甄子丹纵横港 ...

  • 剧情吧注:电影《特殊身份》是霍耀良拍摄的首部现代题材的时尚动作大片,主演甄子丹、

10. 特殊身份--Te Shu Shen Fen @movies【開眼電影網】http://www.atmovies ...

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  • 故事橫跨香港深圳兩地,甄子丹在片中飾演一名臥底警察,縱橫港圳街頭搏殺飆車,深陷兩地警力和幫派之中,關係錯綜複雜..。

11. 特殊身份- 抖音百科 -

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12. 文件上传漏洞及安全 - 编程学习日记

  • 11 uur geleden · 00截断cve-2013-4547(Nginx 0.8.41 ~ 1.4.3 / 1.5.0 ~ 1.5 ... 背景及意义人脸识别(Face Recognition)是基于人的脸部特征信息进行身份 ...

  • 文件上传 文件上传安全指的是攻击者通过利用上传实现后门的写入连接后门进行权限控制的安全问题,对于如何确保这类安全问题,一般会从原生态功能中的文件内容,文件后缀,文件类型等方面判断,但是漏洞可能不仅在本身的代码…

Synopsis 特殊身份 (2013)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.